Non-toxic DIY Laundry Detergent

These days, the non-toxic life style is all the rage. As it should be! I actually love this “trend” of health and wellness. As do many many others. Due to high demand, when you look up non-toxic, or even less-toxic brands, often times your bank account is going to have to sacrifice for it. Sometimes, you find out the bang is not at all worth the buck. So you start your search, yet again, for an inexpensive way to provide safer options for your family.

Sound familiar? Same.

Unfortunately, I know the loop of switch-and-ditch all too well.

Your search can end here. There is no compromise. You can have both the effectiveness and the pleasant smell of the less clean options. This is a bulk buy option, and will last you MONTHS!

The recipe is easy. It’s a 1:1 ratio of washing soda to borax. It hardly takes any time at all.

We are a family of six living on a farm. Our laundry piles up quickly and gets dirty, fast! So the next time you say a prayer, please say one for me and my laundry sanity.. it’s often bananas over here.

With our family size and frequency of washing, I do larger batches:

4 cups of washing soda

4 cups of Borax

1 or 2 bars of castile soap

* I use ones with essential oils to give my clothes a fresh and clean smell! You can use unscented if you prefer! Olive oil based soaps are okay. Castile soap is an olive oil based hard soap made in a style similar to that originating in the Castile region of Spain.

Directions :

Add the washing soda and borax together in a bowl and then grate your bar/s of soap and mix. You can use a hand grater or a food processor to shred the soap. Then put your mix into container of choice.



Pumpkin Oat Bars